Advisory on divesture of the company

All four shareholders of the AGROZET České Budějovice, a.s. company, decided together to divest their shares to a new owner, who will be interested in further development of the Company. Patria was mandated to organize a divestiture process including the identification of potential investors, company presentation, due diligence organization and Share Purchase Agreement negotiation. Apart this, Patria also provided the advisory regarding shareholder’s agreement among the new owner and remaining minority shareholders. The goal of the Transaction was to find a suitable investor who will offer the most attractive purchase price and at the same time guarantee the further development of the company. Patria approached several strategic and financial investors from the Czech Republic and abroad. Patria held a closer discussions with particular investors, from which the most suitable investor for both the shareholders and the company has been selected. The whole divestiture process took almost 12 months.
The bid and the approach of GES Group was evaluated as best meeting the predetermined requirements of the sellers. Two of four former shareholders have been kept a minority share in the company to participate in the future growth of Agrozet. They also stay in the management of the company in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new owner and jointly contribute to the further development of the company.
AGROZET České Budějovice is a traditional distributor of complete machinery for agricultural production, communal sphere and forestry, including a wide range of spare parts, but also equipment for the house, workshop, breeding and farming as well as for the garden. The company with 60-year track record sells brands such as Pöttinger, John Deere, Fliegl, ZETOR, Dieci and others. AGROZET also provides professional technical service to its customers at most of its 14 sales centers across the whole Czech Republic.
GES Group is a private Czech financial group present on the market since 1990. The Group specializes in medium- and long-term investments in four major segments – industry, media, real estate and agriculture. GES Group operates mainly in Central and Eastern European countries.
Advisory on divesture of the company
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