Advisory on divesture of the company

In mid-May 2020, Patria managed to complete the sale of a 100% ownership interest in Conectart, s.r.o. Patria provided M&A advisory services to the KKCG Group with the sale of its ownership interest in this company.
Conectart was acquired by the KKCG Group in 2012. It operates call centers in eight Czech cities and employs over a thousand operators and in 2019 reached revenues of CZK 450 million and EBITDA of CZK 50 million. Conectart’s most important clients include large companies such as Samsung, Vodafone, AmRest, Fischer travel agency and also companies from the KKCG Group, such as MND and Sazka Mobil. The sale of Conectart was launched in Q3 2019 and was completed despite the COVID-19 pandemic. (2Q 2020).
Genesis Private Equity Fund III (GPEF III) from the Genesis Capital Group has become the new owner of Conectart. The new owner is interested in further development and expansion of the company in the CEE region. The expansion will be supported by acquisitions of companies providing not only call centers services but also related customer services.
KKCG Group is a financial group that has been operating in the investment market since 1992. Today, the group invests in four main areas – entertainment, oil and gas, technology and also other areas, especially engineering and real estate.
The KKCG Group consists of more than 30 companies and is present in 18 countries. The total assets of the group amount to EUR 6 billion and the group employs more than 6,000 employees. The members of the KKCG Group include companies such as Sazka Group, MND Group and Aricoma Group.
Genesis Capital has been operating in the private equity market since 1999 and through individual investment funds helps to develop small and medium-sized enterprises with strong growth potential and limited financial resources. The capital used to finance individual projects is invested into Genesis funds by renowned institutional investors, who are benefiting from the growth of the companies under Genesis management.
Since the start of the company, Genesis has been an advisor and manager of four investment funds with a total size exceeding EUR 170 million.
Advisory on divesture of the company
Advisory on divesture of the company
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