Advisory on divesture of the company

Between March 2019 and February 2020, Patria provided M&A advisory services to the GHR Group during the sale of portfolio of 8 photovoltaic power plants with a total installed capacity of 25.3 MWp, of which 6 (21.1. MWp) are located in the Czech Republic and 2 (4.2 MWp) in Slovakia. The power plants were built in 2010 - 2011 and GHR acquired them through acquisitions later on.
Patria’s role in the transaction was to build up a strong competitive environment among the investors interested in the transaction, prepare and run an electronic data room and provide the support to the seller in the negotiations of the final terms of the transaction.
Enery Group with an interest in further expansion in the area of acquisitions and development of renewable electricity sources in the countries of the Central Europe region became the new owner of the photovoltaic power plants.
Green Horizon Renewables is a private equity fund based in Prague focusing on investments in renewable energy in European countries.
GHR is part of a group of family offices including private equity companies BHM Group (focusing on investments in high-tech), Verdi Capital (asset management) and Bohemia Venture Capital (focusing on investments in technological start-ups). In addition to the investment in photovoltaic power plants in the Czech and Slovak Republics (which was the subject of the above transaction), GHR invests in the development of a wind farm with an installed capacity of 240 MW in Finland.
Enery Group was founded in 2019 with the aim to focus on investments and management of renewable energy sources in the countries of the Central European region. Enery was established as a joint venture between the Austrian energy company RP Global and partners Richard König and Lukas Nemec.
RP Global brings to Enery 30 years of experience in the field of building renewable energy sources. Mr. Richard König and Mr. Lukas Nemec have more than 15 years of experience in energy transactions and projects exceeding aggregate value of EUR 40 million.
Advisory on divesture of the company
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