Advisory on divesture of the company

Given the stable growth of Froněk, spol. s r.o. and the Client’s wish for an identification of the Czech leading players in the construction market for a role of potential investors. Patria, after evaluating a larger number of potential investors, has identified several potential investors, who were selected for further negotiations. After confidential negotiation and strategic considerations, limited number of investors were submitted to the due diligence and transaction negotiation phase. The final selection was not only determined by the purchase price, but also by the final transaction structure. Thanks to the mutually functioning chemistry and strong interest of the buyer, a sale has been agreed upon between Froněk spol. s r.o. and IMOS Brno, a.s.
The aim of the Transaction was for IMOS Brno a.s. to strengthen its position in the region of Central and Western Bohemia and at the same time to expand its production by own quarry and asphalt mixing plant, which are part of Froněk, spol. s r.o. The approval of the Competition Authority and the signing of the Sale and Purchase Agreement in February 2018 successfully completed the entire transaction.
Fronek, spol. s r.o. is a Czech medium-sized construction company focusing on the construction of roads, stone mining and processing and production of asphalt mixtures. It has been operating since 1993, mainly in the regions of Central, Western and Northern Bohemia.
IMOS Brno, a.s. entered the Czech construction market at the beginning of 1997 and became a major universal construction company. During its existence, it has built a solid position among construction companies and quickly expanded its activities from the South Moravian region to the whole Czech and Slovak Republic. IMOS Brno, a.s., as a general contractor, covers a wide range of construction projects in the following fields: building construction, water and road construction, road development and accredited testing laboratory.
Advisory on divesture of the company
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